بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم hellothere!
you can call me S.aureus.
Iam aGram positive cocci _round_bacteria.
Iam also known as agolden staph because i form alittle
yellow spots when iam grown on aLab......
SOMETIMESi can be aspecial type called (methicillin resistant S.aureus and it is VERY HARD to get rid of.
Ilive naturally in the nose and throat of many people.
I cause pus filled infections any where i get into.
SPECIALLY,ilove skin,breasts,surgery.wounds.heart valves&blood.
iam the most common cause of joint and bone infections.
i can also cause Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome oR Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome.........
Hello, my name is N. meningitidis.
You can call me the meningococcus.
I am a Gram Negative cocci (round) bacteria.
I'm carried in the noses and mouths of 5-10% of people, but I don't make them sick.
They can give me to other people by kissing and sharing drinks.
I have 13 different 'serogroups' - my most deadly groups are A, B, C and Y.
These can quickly kill healthy people.
Most of the time, I cause meningitis and a special purple rash made of bleeding in the skin.
I can also infect your blood.
Hello hello.
I'm N. gonorrhoeae.......
I'm Gram Negative bacteria, but I'm not a rod.
I'm a coccus, which is a round bacteria, or sometimes two stuck together.
Most people call me 'Gonococcus'.
I am spread by ***ual contact and I cause the STD called gonorrhoea.
I can give you urethrtis, pharyngitis and cervicitis - which can lead to infertility.
If I get into your blood I cause fever, skin lesions, arthritis and joint pain.
I can get into the eyes of infants when they're born, if their mother is infected with me.
My name is B. melitensis
I'm a Gram Negative bacteria.
I am quite small.
I live in sheep and goats, but some of my cousins live in cows, pigs and dogs.
I cause a zoonotic infection called Brucellosis.
Zoonotic means people can only get me from animals.
I cause fever, headaches, mucle pain and even depression .....
You can call me B. pertussis....
I'm a Gram Negative bacteria.
I am spread to people by respiratory droplets.
I cause whooping cough, which can be highly fatal in infants..
How do I do this?
I get into the throat and make toxins.
First I give you a cough, then your throat swells up.
If it swells up enough, it can block your airway, giving your breathing a "whooping" sound ...................
............Hola. I'm C. jejuni...........
I am a curved Gram Negative rod..
You can find me in lots of domestic animals.
I am part of the normal bacterial flora of poultry and cattle.
I get into people through dirty drinking water or undercooked meat, especialy chicken.
I cause food poisoning, with a self limiting bloody diarrhoea, abdominal cramps and fever .......................
Hello there.
You can call me H. pylori.
I am a helical Gram Negative rod.
I live in the mucous layer of the stomach........
I am famous for causing duodenal and gastric ulcers by making the stomach secrete lots of acid.
I am also a risk factor to some gastric cancers.
More than half the people in the world have me.
In 2005 two scientists from Perth, Western Australia - Robin Warren and Barry Marshall - were given a Nobel prize for their work with me.
Marshall even drank a dish full of me to give himself stomach ulcers and prove their theories.
Before that, everyone thought stomach ulcers were caused by stress!!!!!!!!!!
HI,,,,my name is H. aegyptius.
I'm a Gram negative bacteria from the Haemophilus genus.
Some people consider me to be a special type of H. influenzae.
I cause conjunctivits, but what I really enjoy giving to people is Brazilian purpuric fever.
It causes fever, abdominal pain, vomiting and a purpuric rash.
It was very common in Brazilian children....................
Hello there.
My name is N. influenzae, just like my friend before me..
But we are very different.
I dont have a capsule like he does, so I can't be typed into a group.
I am a small, Gram negative rod.
I can cause bronchitis, sinusitis and otitis media in the ear.
I can also cause pneumonia in the community.
Scientists used to think that I caused flu, but then realised that it was caused by a virus instead..........................
My name is H. influenzea.
But not just any H. influenzae....
I have a special polysaccharide "capsule", so I can be "typed" into a specific group.
Of all the groups A to G, I am the most important in terms of making you sick.
In kids who are under 18 onths old, I tend to cause meningitis and septicaemia.
I can be rapidly fatal and even cause problem if they survive.
In kid over 18 months old, I usually cause epiglottitis, sweling and blocking off their airways.
I like to give everyone else pharyngitis and laryngotracheobronchitis, which often becomes croup.
I'm P. aruginosa.
I'm a gram negative bacteria..
But I'm not an Enterobacteriaceae like my friends before me.
You can call me a non-fermentative rod, meaning I don't ferment glucose.
You can mostly find me in hospitals.....
I can cause lots and lots of things in people!
In people with urinary catheters, I can cause UTIs.
In intravenous drug users and transplant patients, I can cause septicaemia.
If you have cystic fibrosis or are on a respirator, I can cause a respiratory infection.
I cause swimmer's ear, plus colonise skin ulcers, infections and burns, just to name a few!
I'm also very resistant to most antibiotics, so it's very hard to get rid me!!!!!!!!
I'm Y. Pestis.
I'm a Gram negative Enterobacteriaceae bacteria.
I'm from the Yersiniae tribe.
I am the cause of the Black death and the bubonic plague.
I spread all through out Europe in the 14th century and devastated the population.
Some people say I took out a third of Europe!!!
I get spread by fleas that are carried on rats, there were lots of them.
I'm still endemic in a lot of the world, especially in Africa.................
Hello, my name is C. difficile.
I'm an anaerobic, Gram Positive rod that can make spores.
I live in your digestive tract.
I cause pseudomembranous colitis.
Sometimes if you take broad spectrum antibiotics (especially clindamycin and the cephalosporins) you kill off your friendly bacteria.
That leaves lots of room for me.
I make toxins that cause very bad inflammation.
You get diarrhoea, abdominal pain and a fever.
I covered myself in a white membrane like coating that can be seen on the inside of your intestines.........................
My name is C. perfringens.
I'm a Gram Positive rod and anaerobic.
I live in soil and can make spores to survive to for a long time
I can cause myonecrosis ,or gas gangrene.........
I get into your muscles in wounds and make toxins.
As I eat away at your muscles, I let off gases that build up between them.
When I am "type A", I can cause food poisoning.
I live in undercooked meat and make spores in your gut.
I make an enterotoxin that gives you cramping and diarrhoea.
My "type C" form causes "necrotising enteritis".
You have to eat undercooked pork with me in it.
You also have to eat alot of foods like sweet potatoes, which have a chemical called trypsin inhibitor in them.......
When they are together, Ican make my β-toxin.............
........................ hello hello.
I'm known as L. monocytogenes....
I'm a Gram Positive rod bacteria that can't form any spores.
I live in many meats, vegetables and dairy products.
My favourite foods are fancy soft cheeses, pate, coleslaw and sliced meats...
I am especially dangerous for babies, the elderly and those without a good immune system.
In these people I cause listeriosis, made up of bacteraemia and meningitis.
In pregnant women I cause granulomatosis infantiseptica.
The fetus becomes infected and sometimes dies.
My name is L. acidophilus............
I am a Gram Positive, rod shaped bacteria.
I have a nice, regular shape, but I can't form spores..
I'm never really dangerous.
In fact, I'm usually very helpful.
I can live in your mouth or your gut.
I'm most important in a woman's vaginal area, because I make sure it is acidic enough to be healthy.....................
Hi, my name is S. enteritidis
I'm part of the enterobacteriaceae, from tribe 3, Salmonellae.
I'm a Gram negative bacteria.............
When I have typhoidal strains people just call me S. typhi.
My typhoidal strains cause typhoid fever.
It's a serious systemic disease you get when I invade through your intestines to you blood.
It can be fatal!
I have thousands of non-typhoidal strains as well.
It can infect you through food and water and cause self-limiting diarrhoea.....
My cousins S. paratyphi causes paratyphoid fever (but I just think he's copying me)
One of my most famous carriers is Typhoid Mary.
She was a cook and was quarantined until the day she died..............
.Hi, I'm V. cholerae................
I'm a Gram negative, oxidase positive fermenter bacteria.
Many of my strains cause cholera, a severe diarrhoeal illness.
I can be epidemic or pandemic and I love the developing world.
I have a high fatality in malnourished populations, where people get very dehydrated................
To give you severe diarrhoea, my strains need to make the cholera toxin.
I have lots of strains!
Most of my strains that cause outbreaks are 'type-01' strains, but there are also 139 'non-type-01' strains....
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