It is a power point show which i have made a bout Hook worms..i think it is nice & useful
you will see the following...
- classification of Hook worms.
- Epidemiology Of Human Hook worms .
- Morphology Ancylostoma duodenale.
- Digestive system of Ancylostoma duodenale.
- Digestive system of Necator americanes .
- Life cycle .
- Hookworm filariform larvae.
- Hookworm eggs .
- Pathogenesis & Clinical manifestations.
- Diagnosis .
-Treatment .
- control.
- larval migrans .
- Types of larval migrans .
-Pathogenesis& Clinical manifestations.
- Diagnosis of larval migrans .
- Treatment of larval migrans .
- Control& prevention of larval migrans .
all this with picture illustrations
For download
Click here
size : 2 MB
Enjoy it, see you
Dr Ibrahim